

by 何偉滔 嘉璐 Categories 識飲識食



春卷皮 5片
冬菇 4隻
豬肉 半斤
西芹 兩條
黃椒 1個
紅椒 1個


生抽 2茶匙
糖 半茶匙
生粉 1茶匙
蒜茸 1茶匙
薑茸 半茶匙


  1. 先將春卷皮依模裁剪好,疊起下油鑊炸至金黃色備用
  2. 冬菇浸軟去蒂切粒,加入少許蠔油略醃。豬肉放攪拌機攪碎,下調味料略醃。
  3. 粟米煲熟切出粟米粒,西芹洗淨切粒。
  4. 將冬菇和豬肉炒至七成熟。
  5. 加入粟米、西芹粒、黃椒粒和紅椒粒炒勻,再加2茶匙水炒至乾身。
  6. 最後將粒粒放入金盞內便成。


粒粒金盞所含有的植物來源極為多樣化,如西芹、黃椒、紅椒和冬菇,顏色鮮艷且營養價值高。春卷皮亦可增加這道菜的脆口感,偶爾讓兒童進食問題不大。站在營養角度而言,冬菇含有豐富的植物性蛋白質,研究發現內含香菇多醣 - β-葡聚糖;能增強免疫力、降血壓、降膽固醇、刺激細胞自我滅亡等作用,達到預防心血管疾病和癌症的效果。



Golden Cups


Spring roll sheets 5 pieces
Chinese dried mushroom 4 pieces
Pork ½ Kg
Corn 1 cob
Celery 2 stalks
Yellow Pepper 1 piece
Red Pepper 1 piece

Seasoning for marinating

For the pork:
Soya sauce 2 tea spoons
Sugar ½ tea spoon
Ginger (smashed) ½ tea spoon
For the dried mushrooms:
Oyster sauce a little


  1. Place the spring roll sheets into the moulding cups. Cut the extra bits off. Stack up the moulding cups and deep fry them in boiling oil. Then, let it sit for later use.
  2. Soak the dried mushrooms until they soften. Remove the stalk and dice them. Add in a little bit of oyster sauce for marinating. Mince the pork in the blender. Marinate it with the seasoning.
  3. Boil the corn until it’s cooked. Remove the corn bits for later use. Wash and dice the celery, yellow pepper and red pepper.
  4. Stir-fry the mushrooms and minced pork until they’re 70% cooked.
  5. Add the corn, celery, yellow pepper, red pepper and 2 tea spoon of water and stir-fry until the water is dried up.
  6. At last, fill the cups with the stir-fried ingredients and serve.

Nutrition Analysis

“Golden Cup” contains a wide variety of plant-based sources, including celery, yellow and red pepper, as well as mushrooms. For children, occasional consumption of foods prepared with spring roll sheets is acceptable. Nutritionally, Chinese dried mushrooms contain plant proteins, and researches have shown that there is a type of polysaccharide present in mushrooms – β-glucans. Various studies have demonstrated that β-glucans can assist immune modulation, lower blood pressure and serum cholesterol, stimulate apoptosis, and thus are useful in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and some types cancer.

Nutrition Tips

Nutritionally, whether yellow, red or green peppers, they are relatively the same. Yellow pepper is actually not spicy at all, therefore it is an ideal ingredient for children’s dish. Yellow pepper is rich in β-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, phosphorous and iron. Besides, yellow pepper is a low calorie food, especially useful for children that are overweight or obese. Not only used during preparation of hot dishes, yellow pepper can also be a superb ingredient when making salad.


About the Author


加拿大多倫多大學人類生物學學士學位 擁有多年教學經驗﹐為港澳資深著名營養學課程講師。


相信只要用心,沒有煮不好的佳餚。 愛吃愛煮愛鑽研,現在學習從飲食中頓悟人生。

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