and Fresh Fruit Salad Cups.jpg}


by 何偉滔 嘉璐 Categories 識飲識食


very easy


大蝦 1斤
富士蘋果 2個
富士蘋果 2個
馬鈴薯 3個


  1. 先將大蝦烚熟,去殼去蝦腸備用。
  2. 蘋果去皮切細粒。
  3. 洋葱去皮切細粒。
  4. 馬鈴薯去皮滾水煮15分鐘切粒。
  5. 將醬料混入所有材料拌勻,盛在杯上便成。


  1. 馬鈴薯切粒後可加入少許鹽。
  2. 可加入梨增添沙律清香。


大蝦含豐富的優質蛋白質,且脂肪含量低,是減肥的好幫手。大蝦更含有豐富的蝦青素(Astaxantin),屬於類胡蘿蔔素家族中的成員,初步研究顯示它 具有抗氧化作用,但長遠保健效果需作更進一步研究。另外,洋蔥蘊含豐富的植物性營養素「蒜素」,這種天然物質具有抑制人體肝臟合成膽固醇之能力、提高免疫 力、穩定血糖、降血脂等功能。生食的洋蔥營養價值最高,用作製造沙律確實最好不過。 營養小TIPS – 蘋果 蘋果所含有的多酚量頗高,因此是抗氧化能力極佳的水果。而蘋果中的多酚主要存在於蘋果皮中,因此要做到「一日一蘋果、醫生遠離我」,便最好連皮進食。在蘋 果中最出名的多酚是槲皮素,擁有強力抗氧化功能,更有效抑制體內釋放組織胺。一些常見的兒童問題都與身體過量釋放組織胺有關,當中包括哮喘、濕疹、鼻敏感 等。因此,若希望兒童擁有健康身體及高免疫能力,可建議多進食蘋果。

Prawns and Fresh Fruit Salad Cups


very easy


Prawns 1 kg
Fuji Apples 2 pieces
Onion 1 piece
Potato 1 piece


  1. Blanch the prawns. Remove the shells and the intestines.
  2. Peel the apples and dice them up.
  3. Peel the onion and cut it into small pieces.
  4. Boil the potato in boiling water for 15 minutes, then, peel and dice it.
  5. Mix all the ingredients together with the dressing in a large bowl. Then, fill up the salad cups.


  1. You can add a pinch of salt to the potato after it is cut.
  2. Pears can be added into the salad mixture to give it a fresher scent.

Nutrition Analysis

Prawns are rich in good proteins, and are also low in fat, thus may assist people who want to lose weight. In addition, prawns contain a carotenoid called “Astaxantin”, and preliminary studies have shown that astaxantin has antioxidative property, but long term health-promoting effects are still under investigation. On the other hand, onions are rich in “Allicin”, and this phytochemical has the ability to inhibit the production of cholesterol by the liver, increases immune, stabilizes blood glucose, lowers serum cholesterol, etc. Raw onions are thought to be the most nutritious edible form, so using onions during preparation of salads should be a great choice. Nutrition Tips - Apple Apple is rich in polyphenols, therefore making this fruit to be one that has a high antioxidative potential. Since the polyphenols are mostly found in the outer layer of an apple, thus eating an apple with its skin will be most nutritious. In the apple, the most apparent polyphenol is “Quercetin”, and this phytochemical has a potent antioxidative property, and also has the ability to inhibit the release of histamines in the human body. Some common diseases/conditions seen in children are as a result of excess release of histamines; these diseases/conditions include asthma, eczema, allergies, etc. Therefore, if you want your children to have a strong immune, I suggest a regular consumption of apples.


About the Author


加拿大多倫多大學人類生物學學士學位 擁有多年教學經驗﹐為港澳資深著名營養學課程講師。


相信只要用心,沒有煮不好的佳餚。 愛吃愛煮愛鑽研,現在學習從飲食中頓悟人生。

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