

Categories 識飲識食


鯪魚肉 半斤
墨魚滑 半斤
春卷皮 1包
蛋黃 1隻


  1. 先將鯪魚肉釀在春卷皮上,捲成長條狀,用蛋黃封口。
  2. 墨魚滑以同樣方法釀在春卷上,捲成長條狀,用蛋黃封口。
  3. 下油煮至滾,將春卷放入炸至金黃色盛起。
  4. 食前回鑊再炸一次即可上碟。


  1. 春卷皮可剪去小部份,更易炸得鬆脆。
  2. 卷時要盡力壓實,令餡料更實。


煎炸食物往往是兒童最喜愛食品之一,但家長一般都建議兒童減少進食這類食物。作為營養學家的我卻認為偶爾進食亦無妨,只要控制進食量即可。鴛鴦春卷的主要素材為鯪魚肉和墨魚滑,鯪魚肉是優質蛋白質的來源,脂肪含量一般較少,還含有人體所需的必需脂肪酸,對兒童整體的腦部發展有幫助。另外,墨魚滑含有一種較特別的氨基酸 – 牛磺酸。牛磺酸對兒童腦部發展很重要,更能調節血液內不同礦物質的濃度,維持體內平衡。最後,牛磺酸多出現於一些能量飲品,相信與運動員的表現力有關,但確實成效有待證實。其實這個小食最重要的討論部份並不在於鯪魚肉和墨魚滑,最重要的部份其實是烹調油的選擇!相信很多家庭主婦都認為橄欖油會是最佳選擇,但實際上大錯特錯,原因是橄欖油不能接受高溫,因此不適合用於製作煎炸食物。要製作這個鴛鴦春卷小食最好選擇芥花籽油,論在營養價值芥花籽油與橄欖油最接近,而芥花籽油亦能用於高溫烹調,因此是較佳選擇。



Yuan Yang Spring Roll


Dace fish meat ½ kg
Cuttlefish paste ½ kg
Spring roll wrappers 1 pack
Egg yolk 1 piece


  1. Smooth out a thin layer of dace fish meat onto a piece of spring roll wrapper. Roll it up into a long, thin spring roll. Use egg yolk to seal up the wrapper.
  2. Use the same procedure and do it with the cuttlefish paste. Make long, thin spring rolls and then seal up the wrapper with egg yolk.
  3. Heat up the oil until it boils. Place the spring rolls in it for deep frying. Take them out when the wrappers turn golden.
  4. Before you eat, deep fry it again and place them onto a plate.


  1. You can cut off part of the spring roll wrapper so that it can become crispier when it’s being deep-fried.
  2. When you roll the wrapper, make sure you are doing it tightly so the stuffing is compacted more firmly.

Nutrition Analysis

Deep-fried foods are often children’s favorites, but parents usually suggest their children to limit the consumption of such foods, which is a smart move! However, as a nutritionist, I think occasionally allowing kids to enjoy foods they love is acceptable; just make sure the portion size is small. Yuan Yang spring roll is made with fish and cuttlefish, and the fish is rich in protein while being low in fat, and it contains essential fatty acids (EFAs) that are essential for brain development in children. On the other hand, cuttlefish contains a special amino acid – “Taurine”. The amino acid taurine is essential for brain function, and it can also assist in the regulation of the serum mineral content, maintaining a homeostasis state. At last, taurine is often found in energy drinks, and it is believed to increase the performance of athletes, however, more evidences are still required to prove this theory. Actually, the main issue that should be discussed with this dish is the choice of cooking oil, rather than the nutritional value of fish and cuttlefish! I believe that many parents think olive oil should be the best choice in preparing this dish, but in reality it is definitely wrong! The reason being that the smoke point of olive oil is low, when compared to other cooking oils, thus it is not ideal for deep-fried foods such as spring rolls. When preparing this dish, try using canola oil, since it has a higher smoke point and the fatty acids’ ratios are similar to the ones in olive oil, thus making canola oil a better choice.

Nutrition Tips

Choosing the right cooking oil is not as easy as you think. The consumption of olive oil actually originated in Mediterranean countries, such as Italy, Greece, etc. Researches have found that people living in these countries have a lower risk in developing heart diseases, so scientists think that it is associated with the high consumption of olive oil in their diet. Personally, I think that the use of olive oil might be one of the reasons, rather than the only reason in explaining the low incidence of heart diseases. In Hong Kong, using olive oil as cooking oil might not be suitable, due to the differences in cooking techniques. People in Hong Kong mostly consume hot dishes, and the cooking temperature is usually high. With the low smoke point of olive oil, it may be an inappropriate choice for Chinese cuisines. Choosing cooking oils that have a higher smoke point such as peanut oil, corn oil and canola oil, etc, might be more appropriate. However, when preparing dishes such as spaghetti, salads and vegetables in which high temperature in not required, olive oil is a good choice, since it has a heart-protective effect.


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