
by 何偉滔 嘉璐 Categories 識飲識食


牛油 250克
砂糖 90克
麵粉 180克
粟粉 120克
雞蛋 1隻半


  1. 牛油、砂糖放入打蛋機打起至奶白色。
  2. 打起後分兩次下蛋液,打勻至不見蛋漿。
  3. 麵粉和粟粉隔篩後,加入牛油麵糊內,拌勻即可。
  4. 粉漿放入喞袋喞成花型。
  5. 焗爐預熱攝氏180度,入爐焗15-20分鐘至金黃色即成。


  1. 除花型外可喞不同形狀。
  2. 焗的時間要自行掌握,因每個爐的火力有異。




撇除牛油中飽和脂肪的問題,畢竟牛油的營養價值甚高,當中以維生素A和D為主,對兒童的骨骼、視覺、免疫力發展相當重要,是成長中兒童不可或缺的營養素。另外,適量利用牛油不會嚴重影響體重問題,因外國某些初步研究得知牛油所含的飽和脂肪酸 – 丁酸;屬於較短的脂肪酸,吸收後有機會被運送到肝臟轉化為熱量而並非作儲存之用。

Butter Cookies


Butter 250 grams
Sugar 90 grams
Baking flour 180 grams
Corn starch 120 grams
Egg 1 ½ pieces


  1. Place the butter and sugar into a bowl. Use an egg beater to beat it until the mixture turns cream white.
  2. Beat the egg and then pour half of it into the mixture and beat until it’s all blended. Then, pour in the other half of the egg and beat it again until the egg is all blended in.
  3. After sieving the flour and corn starch, add them into the butter mixture and then mix it up.
  4. Pour the cookie dough into a piping bag, then squeeze out the dough into the flower-shaped moulding cup.
  5. Pre-heat the oven at 180 degrees. Bake it in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes or until cookies turn golden.


  1. You can shape the cookie dough into any forms.
  2. The baking time varies with different ovens. Please refer to your oven manual for details.

Nutrition Analysis

Butter cookies are often one of kids’ favorites; however, they are often prepared using shortening. The fact is that shortening contains “trans fat”, and frequent consumption may lead to increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and affect IQ. The results from scientific studies have shown that trans fat is capable in replacing the beneficial fatty acids present in brain, and thus affecting the brain development in children. The “Butter Cookies” introduced here is prepared using traditional butter, although it contains high saturated fat, but occasional consumption is still acceptable. Moreover, cookies are usually served as desserts or snacks, so the amount is usually moderate.

Nutrition Tips

Neglect the fact that butter contains high saturated fat; it is still a food with high nutritional value, especially with their high vitamin A and D content. These vitamins are essential in the development of bones, vision and immune system in children, so are vital for children’s growth. On the other hand, moderate usage of butter during cooking will not impact general health, as preliminary studies have shown that the major saturated fatty acid present in butter – butyric acid; is considered as a short chain fatty acid. Upon absorption, butyric acid will be transported to the liver and transformed into energy for cell utilization, rather than being stored.


About the Author


加拿大多倫多大學人類生物學學士學位 擁有多年教學經驗﹐為港澳資深著名營養學課程講師。


相信只要用心,沒有煮不好的佳餚。 愛吃愛煮愛鑽研,現在學習從飲食中頓悟人生。

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