

by 何偉滔 嘉璐 Categories 識飲識食


黑芝麻 半碗
糖 半碗
橄欖油 少許
糯米粉 半碗
水 半1/4碗
薑 1個
冰糖 少許


  1. 黑芝麻放白鑊烘乾。
  2. 先將芝麻和糖放攪拌機攪碎。
  3. 加入橄欖油令芝麻呈漿狀。
  4. 將芝麻漿搓成小粒放雪櫃雪至硬身。
  5. 薑去皮拍扁備用。
  6. 糯米粉和水混合,搓成麵團狀。
  7. 粉團搓成細圓狀,用手指開洞,釀入從雪櫃取出的芝麻餡,再搓成湯丸形。
  8. 熱水放入薑滾15分鐘,加入冰糖煮至全溶,再加入湯丸煮滾便成。


  1. 白鑊即不下油。
  2. 湯丸浮面即熟。




黑芝麻含有多種微量元素,當中包括鈣、銅、鐵、錳、鎂、維生素E和B1,也是單元不飽和脂肪酸的極佳來源,有效預防心血管疾病。另一方面,黑芝麻亦含有獨特的植物性雌激素 – 芝麻素。這種活性成份能保護受酒精傷害的肝臟細胞,並修復肝臟受損組織;另外,它能降低血液中膽固醇,因此,黑芝麻擁有著很強的保健潛能,但更具體的療效則有待進一步的臨床研究去證實。

Sesame Rice Ball


Black sesame ½ bowl
Sugar 1/4 bowl
Olive oil a little
Glutinous rice flour ½ bowl
Water ½ bowl
Ginger 1 piece
Rock sugar a little


  1. Fry the black sesame on a heated pan.
  2. Blend the black sesame and sugar in a blender.
  3. Add the olive oil into the mixture so that it turns into a paste.
  4. Mould the sesame paste into small balls and then freeze it in the fridge.
  5. Peel the ginger. Flatten it by hitting it.
  6. Mix the glutinous rice flour with water. Knead until it becomes dough.
  7. Mould the dough into a small ball, poke a hole in the dough to place the frozen sesame paste in.
  8. Close up the dough opening and shape it into a ball.
  9. Place the ginger into boiling water and heat for 15 minutes. Then, add the rock sugar in and wait for it to melt completely. Finally, put the rice balls in and cook to a boil and serve.


  1. There’s no need to add any oil onto the pan for frying the black sesame.
  2. The rice balls are cooked when they float to the surface of the boiling water.

Nutrition Analysis

Desserts are often children’s favorites, and normally Chinese desserts are relatively healthier when compared to desserts from Western countries. Therefore, occasionally allowing your children to enjoy some Chinese desserts is a wise choice. “Sesame Rice Ball” is primarily made with black sesame and glutinous rice flour; although the calorie of glutinous rice flour is high, occasional consumption is acceptable. This dessert is suitable during afternoon tea-time, on one hand, it can be a snack, and on the other hand, it can prevent over-eating during dinner.

Nutrition Tips

Black sesame contains various micronutrients, including calcium, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, vitamin E and B1, while also being a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids – a healthy type of fat essential in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, black sesame also contains a unique phytoestrogen – “Sesamin”. This phytochemical is useful in the protection towards alcohol-induced liver damages, and can also repair damage liver tissues. Furthermore, sesamin can also help lower serum cholesterol. Thus, black sesame has various health-promoting effects, but further clinical researches are needed to demonstrate its potential therapeutic effects.


About the Author


加拿大多倫多大學人類生物學學士學位 擁有多年教學經驗﹐為港澳資深著名營養學課程講師。


相信只要用心,沒有煮不好的佳餚。 愛吃愛煮愛鑽研,現在學習從飲食中頓悟人生。

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