

by 何偉滔 嘉璐 Categories 識飲識食


龍脷柳 2片
番茄 2個
蒜茸 2粒(拍扁)
薑片 2片


鹽 1茶匙
胡椒粉 少許
生粉 2茶匙
糖 半茶匙


茄汁 2茶匙
鹽 半茶匙
糖 半茶匙


  1. 1. 先將龍脷柳洗淨抹乾,加入醃料醃片刻。
  2. 2. 番茄洗淨去蒂切粒。
  3. 3. 將龍脷柳下油鑊煎熟上碟。
  4. 4. 用蒜茸和薑片起鑊,加入番茄煮至茸再加調味料炒勻,將茄茸倒上龍脷柳面上便成。


眾所皆知,魚類含豐富營養素,當中包括優質蛋白質、維生素A、D、E、B2、B3,以及多種礦物質如硒、鋅、鉀、鈉、鈣和鎂。魚類中的蛋白質不僅含量高,當中氨基酸的組成及比例更適合人體所需,因此被譽為優質蛋白質。這道菜較適合晚餐進食,因為其蛋白質含量豐富,可以減少晚間攝取過量澱粉質的風險,減低肥胖機會。若家中兒童有呼吸道問題,建議多攝取富含維生素A之食物,因維生素A能提高呼吸道免疫力,強化肺部和氣管黏膜功能,對患有哮喘的兒童幫助很大。 家長必需注意的是維生素A不可以過量,尤其以營養補充品形式,因攝取過量維生素A會影響肝臟功能,因此不應胡亂補充維生素A,以原食物攝取比較安全。 除了龍脷柳之外,番茄亦屬於這道菜的主角。番茄含有豐富的營養素,當中包括維生素C、E、類胡蘿蔔素、鎂、鈣、磷以及茄紅素。



Sole Fish Fillet in Tomato Sauce


Sole fillet 2 slices
Tomatoes 2 pieces
Garlic 2 cloves (crushed)
Ginger 2 slices

Seasoning for marinating

Salt 1 tea spoon
Pepper a pinch
Corn flour 2 tea spoons
Sugar ½ tea spoon


Tomato juice 2 tea spoon
Salt ½ tea spoon
Sugar ½ tea spoon


  1. 1. Wash the sole fillet. Pat it dry with paper towel. Add in the seasoning for marinating.
  2. 2. Wash, peel and dice the tomatoes.
  3. 3. Fry the fillets in a large pan until they’re fully cooked. Place them onto a plate.
  4. 4. In a pan, fry the crushed garlic and ginger slices, then, add the diced tomatoes and seasoning.
  5. 5. Stir fry until hot and pour the sauce over the fillets before serving.

Nutrition Analysis

Everyone should know that fishes are rich in various nutrients, including proteins, vitamin A, D, E, B2, B3, and other minerals such as selenium, zinc, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. Not only do fishes are rich in proteins, the ratio of their amino acids constituents are closely matched with the ones that human requires. This dish is actually most appropriate for dinner due to its rich protein content, thus minimizing starchy carbohydrates intake, and in turn prevent excess weight gain. On the other hand, vitamin A can improve respiratory problems in children, by strengthening the immune of the respiratory tract such as the lungs and the mucous membranes in the bronchi, and is especially beneficial towards children with asthma. However, parents should be aware that excess vitamin A may be harmful, especially in the form of cod liver oil supplements, since excess consumption may affect the function of the liver, so consuming vitamin A via whole foods are most appropriate to prevent vitamin A overdose. Besides sole fish fillet, tomatoes are also extremely nutritious, including nutrients such as vitamin C, E, β-carotene, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous and lycopene.

Nutrition Tips

Lycopene is one of the natural phytochemicals contained in tomatoes, with potent antioxidant property, and especially beneficial towards the prevention of degenerative diseases such as prostate cancer, osteoporosis, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Most parents believe that the most nutritious way to take tomatoes is in uncooked form; however, this is absolutely wrong! Researches have suggested that the bioavailability of lycopene is best when in cooked or processed form, and by adding some oil to tomatoes during cooking will also maximize the absorption of lycopene. Therefore, the human body utilizes lycopene best from food sources such as tomato paste, ketchup, tomato sauce, etc. In contrast, the absorption and utilization of lycopene present in raw tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit is comparatively lower.


About the Author


加拿大多倫多大學人類生物學學士學位 擁有多年教學經驗﹐為港澳資深著名營養學課程講師。


相信只要用心,沒有煮不好的佳餚。 愛吃愛煮愛鑽研,現在學習從飲食中頓悟人生。

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