

  • 香港香港仔南朗山道23號


  • 電話: 852-2872 0266
  • 傳真: 852-2518 8212

課程資料 Curriculum Details

課程類別 Curriculum type
沒有資料 No Information
課程編排 Curriculum arrangement
SIS offers a bilingual education in English and Chinese (Mandarin). Our Programme is uniquely designed to provide young children with a holistic education experience. All subjects with the exception of Mathematics are conducted in both English and Chinese. Subjects offered: Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Physical Education. Rhyme and Movement, Art, *Computer, *Gymnastics (*only offered in PY2).
學習∕教學方式及活動 Learning/Teaching approach & activities
In SIS, we believe that positive early experiences are of paramount importance to young children. With this in mind, we aim too provide a safe, caring and nurturing environment where children will... - develop a positive self-image; - a willingness to take responsibility in learning and other activities; - show care and consideration for others; - discover their strength and interests.
學習評估 Learning assessment
Each child's progress and achievement is assessed by their class teachers. Parent Teachers Conferences are held twice a year. In addition, individual progress reports are prepared at the end of each semester and learning portfolios are used to document learning progress and achievements.

學校特色 School Characteristics

學校使命及抱負 School vision and mission
Vision: SIS is a caring cosmopolitan community of vibrant learners striving for excellence in the pursuit of knowledge and student development. Mission: SIS is committed to provide a conducive environment for a future-oriented, holistic education, anchored in a rigorous bilingual academic programme, for children of all nationalities. We nurture students to be independent life-long learners imbued with sound moral values who are respectful and responsible, and who rise to the challenges of life creatively and enthusiastically in an ever-changing world.
對學生支援 Support to students
A classroom assistant is provided for every PY class to support the teacher in catering to the children's needs.
與家長聯繫 Link with parents
家長教師會 Parent-teacher association
有 Yes
其他家長活動/聯繫 Other activities/communication with parents
Orientation Day, Parent Teacher Meeting, Learning Journey, Family Day (PY1), Graduation Day (PY2), Parent Teacher Conference, Parent Teacher Association.

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