

  • 九龍九龍塘金巴倫道57號


  • 電話: 852-23373888
  • 傳真: 852-23388577

課程資料 Curriculum Details


課程類別 Curriculum type : 本地 Local

課程編排 Curriculum arrangement

To follow our mission and in order to prove opportunities for children to think, try,

discuss, prove, discover and deliver their options. In addition, we have also had an

experienced English teaching and Putonghua teaching program to assist the child in

developing their language skills.

學習/教學方式及活動 Learning/Teaching approach & activities

The curriculum design model of our school is based on themes of learning and the

ultimate learning goals to adjust teaching progress. The cuuriculum content is full of

educational targets and inspirational to children, enabling them to be attracted to

learning with self interest.

學習評估 Learning assessment:

We have two assessments throughout the year, the first being observation and the

second is the individual child profile record.


學校特色 School Characteristics

學校使命及抱負 School vision and mission:

"Where East and West Unite Their Best"

We holistically develop learning tools for a successful future, adopting small classes

and teaching to cater to individual differences.

對學生支援 Support students:

Our school holds an introductory event for new students. Moreover, the Kindergarten

visits to the primary school. Equally important, the school partakes in parent

meetings when the students are promoted from U3 to primary school. Lastly,

studetns participate in road safety patrol and team training to build up student's


其他家長活動/聯繫 Other activities / communication with parents

Activities that the school retains include parent's day, graduation ceremonies, and

parent-child picnic, as well as a Christmas party, which includes a performance by the

children. A mutual understanding with parents can be strengthened through daily

communication, telephone, pupil's report and circular.

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