

  • 香港赤柱東頭灣道1號


  • 電話: 852-2813 8567
  • 傳真: 852-2899 0272

課程資料 Curriculum Details

課程類別 Curriculum type
本地及非本地 Local and Non-local
課程編排 Curriculum arrangement
The class is conducted wholly in English except during Mandarin periods (done daily). Each class is provided with a class teacher that supervises learning activities, a Native English Teacher and a Mandarin teacher. Subjects taught are English, Mandarin, Early Mathematics, Science, Art & Crafts, Health, PE and Personal Development. Emphasis is placed on social interaction, confidence-building and hands-on learning. Children are grouped into smaller groups (5-7 kids) during Maths and Language concept learning to ensure teacher's attention and optimum learning.
學習∕教學方式及活動 Learning/Teaching approach & activities
St. Teresa's believes in hands-on learning. Role-plays, storytelling, crafts and games are used to teach Math, Science and Language concepts. Thus, children finds learning not so much as work but as an adventure. Teachers use the thematic approach in teaching and themes are chosen based on children's daily lives, interests and current events. To enhance learning, the children are also exposed to the bigger community around them through field trips. Parents are also encouraged to be partners in learning through parent-child activities or shared projects.
學習評估 Learning assessment
Parents are provided with continuous feedback through both formal and informal Parent-Teacher conferences. Children's works are not only assessed by teachers but the children themselves, they are asked to critique their own work and express themselves through their artwork. Thus, honing their critical thinking skills. A monthly portfolio containing the child's social, physical and intellectual milestones is provided to each student. The child is not only assessed by his academic performance but more importantly his social and emotional well-being as well.

學校特色 School Characteristics

學校使命及抱負 School vision and mission
Our vision is to make St. Teresa's Kindergarten an extension of the home, where a child feels comfortable to learn and interact with other children. We create a safe, enjoyable and stimulating environment for children where they can 1)enjoy exploring and actively learn with real materials 2)have good basic motor skills 3)express their creativity confidently 4) establish self-confidence and self-esteem in themselves
對學生支援 Support to students
To supplement basic learning, special classes on Mandarin, Jolly Phonics, Science Discoveries, Cooking and basic gymnastics are offered to the children and parents are free to choose which program they think will suit their children best.
與家長聯繫 Link with parents
家長教師會 Parent-teacher association
沒有 No
其他家長活動/聯繫 Other activities/communication with parents
Parents are encouraged to participate in their children's learning through volunteer work, visits to the school and in joining children in field trips. Special events such as Mother's or Father's day are celebrated with the children. Parents can also come in as storytellers or as teaching volunteers on subjects they are familiar with (such as their country or other special skills)

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