

  • 香港堅尼地城加惠民道12號


  • 電話: 852-25758282 852-26551111
  • 傳真: 852-28914460

課程資料 Curriculum Details

課程類別 Curriculum type : IB

課程編排 Curriculum arrangement

Pre-K1 – Grade 5: IBPYP        
Grade 6 – Grade 10: IBMYP                
Grade 11 – Grade 12: IBDP
Pre-K1 - 小五:IBPYP

學習/教學方式及活動 Learning/Teaching approach & activities

The early years are the first building blocks of a child’s learning journey. Teachers use the PYP transdisciplinary themes to create units of inquiry that weave together knowledge, skills and understandings from different subject areas. Through the PYP, students become more aware of themselves and the world around them, identifying how they can make contributions in meaningful and developmentally-appropriate ways.

We also recognise the important role of these first few years as a stepping stone to future learning and our programme provides a solid foundation for learners that is cognitively challenging and emotionally nurturing. Each child is empowered to understand themselves and others and feel confident about their potential as a learner.  
幼兒教育是孩子學習旅程中的第一個建基石。教師使用 PYP 跨學科主題創建探究單元,將不同學科領域的知識、技能和理解集結在一起。學生可以通過 PYP課程更加了解自己和周遭的世界,確認他們如何以有意義和適切成長階段的方式作出貢獻。


學習評估 Learning assessment

HKA defines student assessment as the gathering and analysis of information about student performance in order to identify what students know, understand, can do, and feel at the different stages in the learning process. The assessment process is geared towards developing a student’s critical thinking and self-evaluation skills. Students and teachers engage jointly in assessing student progress, which then is shared at the end of each term through the presentation of student work. Parents are an integral part of this process as they encourage their child’s growth and ability to reflect on their learning.



學校特色 School Characteristics

學校使命及抱負 School vision and mission:

Hong Kong Academy nurtures a culture of belonging that inspires students to become intellectually curious, intrinsically motivated, and interculturally minded global citizens.



對學生支援 Support students:

The school provides an equitable, accessible and healthy learning environment for all students and is one of few in Hong Kong that have the ability to meet the needs of accelerated learners as well as students requiring learner support. On-campus Occupational and Speech Therapy are available, and both the Primary and Secondary School programmes offer English Language Learning support for students who are acquiring English as their language of instruction. Learn more about HKA's learning enhancement programme.



家長活動/聯繫 Other activities / communication with parents


The HKA community believes that learning should be collaborative, joyful and deliberate. HKA parents contribute many thousands of volunteer hours to the school every year. From shelving books in the library and working in the gardens to coaching sports, offering work experience opportunities and mentoring student initatives; parent volunteers are a key part of the engine that helps HKA run smoothly. Grade level parents partner with teachers in support of activities such as mystery reader, field trip chaperones, maths ambassadors and expert speakers, they also promote community spirit by buddying with new families, organising social events and supporting home-school communications.
香港學堂社群認為學習是圍繞著共同合作,充滿喜悦和深思細致的。 香港學堂家長團體每年為學校貢獻數千小時的義工時間。從整理圖書館書籍、園藝工作到體育訓練,以至提供工作實習機會和指導學生的主動性;所以家長義工是香港學堂順利運作的關鍵一環。再者各年級家長會與老師合作,積極參與講故事的神秘嘉賓、實地考察監護人、數學大使和專家演講等活動,他們還通過結識新家庭、組織社交聯誼活動和支持家校交流來促進社群團結精神。


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