

  • 香港皇后大道東12-22號東曦大廈1樓B室及2樓C室


  • 電話: 852-2527 8676
  • 傳真: 852-2529 9930

課程資料 Curriculum Details

課程類別 Curriculum type
沒有資料 No Information
課程編排 Curriculum arrangement
Designed to fit into Hong Kong child-centred settings to promote effective teaching and learning.
學習∕教學方式及活動 Learning/Teaching approach & activities
Starters School follows the "Learn through Play" and the "Thematic/Hands-on Activities" teaching approaches; while striving to provide our pupils with the opportunity to progressively improve in all developmental areas.
學習評估 Learning assessment
Based on the basic developmental areas, such as Physical, Cognitive /Language, Emotional/Social and Aesthetic.

學校特色 School Characteristics

學校使命及抱負 School vision and mission
To provide a safe, caring and child-centred environment where our children can have the opportunity to gradually develop their academic, social and emotional learning
對學生支援 Support to students
With our thriving family-oriented culture, we have offered for over 30years a joyful and secured atmosphere where our children are always encouraged to blossom. At Starters School, we see all of our children as unique individuals by respecting and fostering their aptitude development at all times.
與家長聯繫 Link with parents
家長教師會 Parent-teacher association
沒有 No
其他家長活動/聯繫 Other activities/communication with parents
沒有資料 No Information

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