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孖寶15個快樂呀! I count my blessings every day!

Written by // 荔枝孖媽 2016.11.15 瀏覽次數 1026


孖媽有時會諗, 係孩子嘅心目中我到底係一個點樣嘅媽咪?

自己其實都係由Caydan Ramsey 來到之後, 先開始由一個伸手牌的二小姐


經歷過懷孕時的一切心驚膽顫, 兩位媽媽一直為我們保胎奮戰之後


真心, 我很感恩自己有兩位好媽媽

每天每日我都很感激奶奶幫我看小孩, 一d都唔容易, 既辛苦又困身

但她仍不辭勞苦, 不求回報每天無私地為我們付出著

妳們都要身體健康陪我們一路走,下去, 我們真的很愛很愛妳們

以家對Caydan Ramsey一樣, 我亦有教導他們要感念母恩的道理




以前未有小朋友之前會覺得, 辛苦工作之餘,當然要對自己好d啦


習慣可以係一件好可怕的事,  漸漸的會變成浪費

有咗孖寶之後, 生活一切嘅必需品支出真係大咗好多好多, 唔可以再係咁"放縱"落去



感覺自己開始慢慢要成功了,我唔再係眼都唔眨就買 買 買 個個我

嚴格黎講, 其實都只係成功咗一半

希望可以快d提升 ‘免疫力 ‘ 啦~

由姪仔開始, 長時間係小孩堆裡面打滾


蹲下來, 放低所謂媽媽嘅姿態



感謝Caydan Ramsey讓我保有一顆赤子之心

孩子們15個月快樂,  願你們保有童心,  健健康康開心快樂過每一天

Love you boys to the moon and back!

Today our Babies turns 15 months old, the boys adores being outside in the fresh air, just like their Mom & Dad in that respect. Caydan has learned a few new words, food, fish, dog, PoPo, their aunt (姑姑) and many more. Ramsey also learned milk, scare, grandpa (爺爺), bye bye,go out(街街)…..few new words too. Mama, BaBa are still the boys favors words to say!

A Funny thing is when we adults start to laugh, both of them will do the biggest laugh while looking straight at us, they are not going to be left out. Caydan understanding has progressed leaps and bounds this month and I think he seems understands almost everything we say to him. Caydan will wander off and bring back what you have asked for. He will even do this with objects he knows the name of, if you show him once.

And Ramsey will react to us sometimes when he is not messy around, this little boy need more concentration for himself, Mummy sure you are a very smart boy indeed!

The boys are such two smiley little person, when we are out. Not many people can resist talking to them. They wave at almost everyone they meets (mostly are the waiter and waitress, haha). The boys try very hard to talk to everyone, both of them often ignoring us to turn round and try to get the attention from others.

Ramsey is going through a little bit of challenging time. I think it is because he is learning so much and hasn’t yet got the language to express how he is feeling.

They are incredible company and I love seeing the world freshly through my little boys’ eyes. Everything is so much fun and I adore watching them learn every day.

I count my blessings every day, that I get to call them my sons. I really do, I am sure I must have been very good in a previous life.

Not just because I have the boys in my life, it’s also because I have 2 very good Mummy, my mother in law treat us the best, you can't ask for more. Deep down, I thanks her every day for taking care of my boys day in and out, it is not easy. We are very thankful to have both of our families in life, they help us in many ways!

Caydan Ramsey, Happy 15 months!

We all love you guys so much!

我和孖寶的Facebook Page: 荔枝與孖寶 

我和孖寶的 Instagram IG#: laichimama


Sunday Kiss: Featured Bloggers

SuperMami HK:Featured Bloggers

Beauty Exchange:Certified Blogger

WeShare HK 親子: 推薦博客

ESDlife: 「靚太星級榜」Blogger


If there is any question or you looking for me and the boys,  please feel free to contact LaiChiMaMa via Email: 



一日之間,成為兩子之母!充滿愛與驚喜。曾經致力遊歷世界唔同的地方,到而家變成致力育兒的雙職媽媽。希望把生活中每一個美好時光都記錄下來。親子育兒,美容扮靚,飲飲食食,購物,好物都想同大家分享! 更希望與大家一起見證孖寶的成長,分享他們生活的大小趣事。

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