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Caydan Ramsey 10個月啦!

Written by // 荔枝孖媽 2016.06.18 瀏覽次數 1131

你們也一樣好喜歡笑,是個Happy Baby。

謝謝你們 Caydan Ramsey!

You two are now into the double digits, TEN months old! 

Getting closer and closer to the big year! We are on you boys first birthday countdown and I am not so sure how I feel about it.  

I love watching you boys grow each and everyday.  But at the same time, I wish I could go back in time a bit to your itty bitty days and snuggle you more.  It’s probably the way all parents feel. 

You two are so fun. Both of you have so many smiles and giggles plus the belly laughs and happy faces for us all the time! Love to being around people, especially other babies. You two are such fun babies to play with.  You have the best laugh, it’s contagious. 

You two learning more and more everyday.  Cadyan now keep saying dada, dada. Yes, Daddy only~ You two both have six little teeth.  Getting your top teeth was definitely harder than your bottom.

Caydan & Ramsey are still love your bath time, it's like your favorite thing ever! Your Daddy can’t wait to get you boys in the pool!

Needless to say, you boys continue to amaze me each day.  There is no where I would rather be than home with you two, experiencing all of the firsts.  (I wish I could!?) You bring out my biggest smiles and melt my heart day in and out. Every time I lay down you boys in your crib I thank God for having both of you in my life, I know how blessed I am.  I will never ever take this job as Mummy for granted. 

We had such a great time with family! You boys got to meet 3 little sister, yea! Caydan & Ramsey got their triplets baby sis. Also we met your little cousin, baby Daniel and spend some quality time with him!

You two are growing so fast, like I always say, it's very bitter sweet.

Thank you for filling my days with so many smiles. You boys are going to be one year old before we know it.  Although no matter how fast you boys are intent upon growing up,  please be remember you boys are always going to be Mummy’s special, little babies.

We love you to the moon and back!

Happy 10 Months, Caydan & Ramsey!

XOXO, Mummy & Daddy

我和孖寶的Facebook Page: 荔枝與孖寶 

我和孖寶的 Instagram IG#: laichimama

If there is any question or you looking for me and the boys,  please feel free to contact LaiChiMaMa via Email: 



一日之間,成為兩子之母!充滿愛與驚喜。曾經致力遊歷世界唔同的地方,到而家變成致力育兒的雙職媽媽。希望把生活中每一個美好時光都記錄下來。親子育兒,美容扮靚,飲飲食食,購物,好物都想同大家分享! 更希望與大家一起見證孖寶的成長,分享他們生活的大小趣事。

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