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Caydan & Ramsey are 13 months old!

Written by // 荔枝孖媽 2016.09.16 瀏覽次數 1507

It’s amazing how babies grow and the speed at which they grow. I hope it will be memorable for them when they grows up reading the monthly letter. It’s a letter full of love. Also it’s easy to forget such intense love when we go through everyday life in joy, laughter, anger, frustrate, tears, disappointment, and back to love again at the end of the day. That’s why, documenting the growth of my children on the blog is probably the best place to reminisce on the feelings we had at that time, at that place.

Caydan & Ramsey are already 13 months old!

The boys have done a lot of growing up this past month while marking several major milestones. Caydan & Ramsey are busy boys now, they aren’t walking yet, but the boys are definitely wants to move. They are already handful! Can’t imagine when they starts to walk.

My floor has to be really clean everyday as the boys loves to crawl all over the house, they will looks at the dirty things and seems wanna puts into their mouth! And the boys had ate paper off book corners. You’s lots of work following two highly mobile baby!

Caydan is a careful baby; he is still carefully cruising around, and not braves enough to strike out the first step independently. May be he needs more encouragement? And Ramsey gets to crawling pretty well on his own pose, and do not have intention to start walking yet. He always crawling and sit down in the middle of no where. I knew he has his own path and way to learn things. However, I am quite cool about this and really would prefer to leave them to their own comfortable pace. 

Caydan is always screaming now, and Ramsey do not scream as much as his brother. He just always smiling and interaction with all of us. 

But whatever sounds the boys makes, they sound super cute!

Happy 13 months Boys! Be happy and cute as always! 

We love you!

Mom & Dad






Love you all, no matter what. We are bond together, we got each other's back. Stay strong!

我和孖寶的Facebook Page: 荔枝與孖寶 

我和孖寶的 Instagram IG#: laichimama


Sunday Kiss: Featured Bloggers

SuperMami HK:Featured Bloggers

Beauty Exchange:Certified Blogger

WeShare HK 親子: 推薦博客

ESDlife: 「靚太星級榜」Blogger


If there is any question or you looking for me and the boys,  please feel free to contact LaiChiMaMa via Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它



一日之間,成為兩子之母!充滿愛與驚喜。曾經致力遊歷世界唔同的地方,到而家變成致力育兒的雙職媽媽。希望把生活中每一個美好時光都記錄下來。親子育兒,美容扮靚,飲飲食食,購物,好物都想同大家分享! 更希望與大家一起見證孖寶的成長,分享他們生活的大小趣事。

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